Sunday, October 26, 2008

Presidential Election Information

I have received some e-mails that some of our members did not like the political material sent out.

If you want your insurance premium taxed and the right to choose a union taken away and another 8 years of company controlled politicians, then vote McCain.

If you like seeing the cost of living continue to rise and your wages affected – although you receive increases on average of 3% a year but still don’t have enough money for the increase in gas, food, clothing, etc. – then vote for McCain.

As Business Manager, I have a responsibility to advise you – just like I did when I bargained in Albany with the company for 5 months to get a good contract; just like the bargaining in Nanuet for 2 months to get a contract; just like sitting across the table from the contractors for our agreement and good working conditions and trying to keep our union strong.

I can only point out who the better of the two candidates is for organized labor. You must make up your own mind and vote for the person you feel will better serve you as a union member.

Please visit and for more information.

John Maraia
Business Manager

Thursday, October 2, 2008

ORMC Apellate Court Decision

We won the argument against ORMC today in the Appellate Court in Brooklyn New York to dismiss the injunction against ORMC to allow Rondout Electric back on site. We will be back in Orange County court on Tuesday October 7th for the hearing on the undertaking.