Sunday, December 5, 2010

Taylor Biomass Finally Gets All Approvals - Breaking Ground Monday December 6

Taylor Biomass will break ground for Phase one of the project on Monday December 6.

Thank you to all IBEW 363 members who attended meetings with us to support this project over the last two plus years.

After much work, many meetings and a little bit of hope the Montgomery Town Board granted the company permission to start construction of its garbage to gas facility.

Senator Charles Schumer and Congressman Maurice Hinchey, who were instrumental in securing a $100 million federal loan guarantee, will be at the ceremony on Monday along with company owner James Taylor, IBEW 363 and Building Trades officials.

The new plant is expected to create some 400 construction jobs and it should help to give some relief our Brothers and Sisters who can sure use the work and the paychecks.

Let's hope it is the first of many more opportunities to come.